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With more than 30 years' experience in the business, Artikol has built up and diligently maintains an unrivalled set of databases on all aspects of the world TiO2 industry. There are a number of different "off-the-shelf" services that customers can buy. Details are shown below for the most popular four services:

The data for all these statistical studies are interlocking. For example, the sum total of TiO2 pigment production at the five plants in Germany (as shown in the Feedstocks Intake Study) is the same figure as German TiO2 pigment production (which appears in the Pigment Consumption Matrix). Much of the base-data on feedstock shipments tonnage and value is derived from the Trade Statistics Retrieval Service.

All purchased datafiles are supplied to customers in Excel format, as attachments to E-mails. At the customer's option, datafiles are supplied for printing-out either on European/international size A4 paper (*.vE files) or on US letter size paper (*.vA files).

The Trade Statistics Retrieval Service (TSRS)

This is a retainer service, under which customers purchase a year's worth of TSRS datafiles on all TiO2 feedstocks for countries of interest they have selected. In each TSRS datafile, Artikol analyses and comments on import/export data supplied by Government statistical agencies and other sources of official statistics. In each TSRS datafile, Artikol presents its assessment of true imports and exports for each category of TiO2 feedstock (rutile, synrutile, leucoxene, slag and ilmenite), by country of origin/destination, showing tonnages and unit values (in local currency & $US). For some countries, imports by port of entry and exports by port of despatch, are also shown. Each TSRS datafile presents month-by-month data, with quarterly and full-year summaries.

TSRS datafiles are supplied to customers in Excel format, as attachments to E-mails. Sample files are downloadable below. (To save, right click the relevant icon and select "Save Link As" and chose file destination)

TSRS Jan to Dec 2003 for JAPAN

Microsoft Excel* file JAR03vA.xls

TSRS Jan to Dec 2002 for CANADA

Microsoft Excel* file CAR02vA.xls

TSRS Jan to Dec 2001 for UNITED KINGDOM

Microsoft Excel* file UKR01vA.xls

Switch to files formatted for printing on European/international size A4 paper (*.vE files)


TSRS datafiles are also available for certain countries of interest covering imports/exports of zircon. Historical TSRS datafiles for both TiO2 feedstocks and zircon are available for past years, back to 1988 for some countries. Please contact us for further details.

The Trade Statistics Retrieval Service for TiO2 feedstocks is now available for 30 countries. When placing an order, customers can specify whichever countries they wish. Two-tier pricing applies. The price for TSRS datafiles supplied throughout 2004/05 for all January/December 2004 data is:

$US 125 per country (standard) or $US 500 per country (premium)

The full list of available TSRS datafiles for TiO2 feedstocks, indicating which are charged at premium rates is as follows:

Belgium S
Brazil S
Finland S
France S
Germany S
Italy S
Japan S
Korea, South S
Mexico S
Netherlands S
Poland S
Russia S
Singapore S
South Africa*P
Spain S
Sweden S
Sri Lanka*S
Taiwan S
United Kingdom S
United States P
* Comprises some derived data
** Comprises solely derived data
S = standard rate    P = premium rate

The Feedstock Intake Survey

This survey is compiled on an annual basis. Each spreadsheet in the Feedstock Intake Survey relates to one of the world's 60 or more commercial-scale TiO2 pigment plants. Apart from the very small pigment plants in China, all plants are covered.

For each plant, details shown comprise: effective capacity, pigment production (plus marketable titanium tetrachloride production, where relevant), TiO2 feedstocks shipped into the plant (by type, supplier, country of origin, average annual f.o.b. & c.i.f. $US price and tonnage) and TiO2 feedstocks consumption at the plant.

At the front of the Feedstocks Intake Survey are summary spreadsheets (separate spreadsheets for sulfate process and chloride process plants), where the column-titles are feedstock suppliers/feedstock types and the row-titles are individual pigment plants, so that each cell shows the tonnage of specific feedstock type from a specific feedstock supplier supplied to a specific pigment plant.

Historical Feedstock Intake Surveys are available for past years, dating back to 1990. Please contact us for further details.

The Feedstock Intake Survey for any given year is supplied to customers as a single Excel workbook, with separate spreadsheets tabbed for each individual plant. See the sample spreadsheet below from the 1999 edition of the Feedstocks Intake Survey: (To save, right click the relevant icon and select "Save Link As" and chose file destination)

Feedstock intake study Jan to Dec 1999

Microsoft Excel* file SampFdInvA.xls

Switch to files formatted for printing on European/international size A4 paper (*.vE files)


The standard price for the 2003 Feedstock Intake Survey is: $US 3000.

The Pigment Trade & Consumption Matrices

The matrices show full-year data on TiO2 pigments. In the Pigment Trade Matrix, the column-titles comprise the 28 TiO2 pigment producing countries. In both the Pigment Trade Matrix and the Pigment Consumption Matrix, the row-titles comprise every one of the 170 or more TiO2 pigment importing/consuming countries in the world. Artikol's standard format arranges the individual markets into 15 separate geopolitical regions.

Historical Pigment Trade & Consumption Matrices are available for past years, dating back to 1980. Please contact us for further details.

The Pigment Matrices for any given year are supplied to customers as Excel workbooks. See attached sample workbooks for the 1995 Pigment Matrices: (To save, right click the relevant icon and select "Save Link As" and chose file destination)

Pigment Trade Matrix 1995

Microsoft Excel* file SampT95vA.xls

Pigment Consumption Matrix 1995

Microsoft Excel* file SampC95vA.xls

Switch to files formatted for printing on European/international size A4 paper (*.vE files)


The standard price for the 2003 Pigment Trade & Consumption Matrices is: $US 2500.

The TiO2 Pigment Plantlist

The plantlist, updated quarterly, shows end-quarter nameplate capacity (for the period Q1 1995 to Q4 2011) for each of the world's commercial-scale TiO2 pigment plants, identifying location and ownership, sorted by: a) country; b) affiliation (where relevant) to major pigment producing group; c) process/feedstock type & subtype.

The standard prices for the TiO2 Pigment Plantlist are: $US 125 (as a one-off item) or $US 300 (for four quarterly updates).

*Microsoft Excel is a registered trade-mark of Microsoft Corporation

TSRS Feedstock Intake Pigment Trade Matrix TiO2 Plantlist

TSRS '03 JAPAN TSRS '02 CANADA TSRS '01 UK Feedstocks '99 Trade Matrix '95 Consumption Matrix '95

International A4